Sunday, April 17, 2011

Surprise experiment

I already know that I want to keep up to date with the bluebirds babies on my deck like last year but the birdhouse door doesn't allow for the best photography with my camera. So I decided this morning to do an experiment with my cell phone camera.

I tapped on the side of the box a few different times to make sure the parents were out exploring so I wouldn't scare them and sounded the all clear. I put the cell phone camera up to the hole hit the focus button and then the 'take' button. After waiting the few seconds to see the results I was shocked that the dad was still sitting on the nest! So glad he didn't freak out and fly into the phone, that wouldn't have been pretty. You can see him in the bottom of the picture looking up like "what's happenin' here!"

After he left I played around with getting the right angle and it's not going to work perfectly but I think I'll do it this way this year and not mess with opening the door like last year. Maybe next year I figure out a permanent camera system of something. If you have any suggestions on that let me know. I might be able to do it this year in between babies.

Anyway, with the best one you can tell there seems to be 5 eggs for the spring batch! Could be another one in there but I think 5 is it.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe when they move out you could drill out a whole in the back and make it into a kind of knob so you can pull it out to take your pictures then replace it when you're done...
