Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spring is in the air

I can walk outside and tell Spring is definitely in the air. The bird couples are everywhere. Besides the pair of bluebirds that I'm happily watching, a pair of Titmouses were happily visiting the feeder together, a pair of towhees were jumping around in the grass and multiple pairs of House Wrens have their nests packed into the birdhouses. Of course there were also Mourning Doves, Cardinals and Blue Jays and those Cowbird whores (read earlier post for details on that one.)

There is one more pair that I need to confirm but I believe I have a pair of Indigo Buntings too. The male is obviously here all day everyday but I can't confirm the female. I believe I saw her once a few days ago but haven't seen her again. Believe me there will be more about these birds when I get a good picture but that male can leave the area faster than I can click the shutter. I have a few shoots but none good enough YET!

The above picture was taken this afternoon at the birdhouse in my back yard while watching a pair go in and out of the house I bought for my neighbor to put in his yard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi- Saw your note on Duncraft's FB.
    I love all things bird, so I thought I'd check out your blog.
    I can't seem to tell who is a pair or not, unless it's my Bluebirds. I have so many birds out in the yard.
