Saturday, May 22, 2010

A flocking good time...

I was already thinking it's about time for a new blog entry but what should I write about. I was thinking I could do an update that my crazy bluebirds are still here but no signs of the eggs hatching yet but didn't think that was enough for a new post. Then thought I could talk about the indigo buntings but not much there either other than they are here. So I was debating on just what to talk about when I walked out at almost dusk and there is was - today's blog entry!

I walked out and looked around for the bluebirds when something in the top of the tree caught my eye. It was a group of birds but not a normal group of starlings or cowbirds. This group was reflecting color back at me, so in I ran back in the house for my camera. I use it as binoculars now. Take a picture at full zoom and then zoom the picture in on the little screen. So what was the group? It was cedar waxwings. Wow, they a beautiful with the setting sun on them and especially in a group. It's been a long, long time since I've seen these guys and I can say it was worth the wait.

Here's to hoping they stick around. If their name means anything then they should love the field of cedar trees in my back yard.

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