Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sound the trumpets...

...the big arrival has occurred. Finally after years, I have baby bluebirds. I've lived in my current home for almost 10 years and this is a first here - in fact a first for me period. When I was house hunting the main reason I settled for this house was because of the large overgrown field in the back. I'm wasn't looking at other houses just an old cow pasture let to grow which meant wildlife to me.

The first two years I had bluebirds around but they won't go near the many birdhouses I had put out. I moved them everywhere to try different approaches. It was almost torturous to have them around but I couldn't figure out the right match to get them to nest. Over the years it became a yearly challenge. Then about three years ago, they finally started building in one of the houses and I thought 'FINALLY' but for all those years they would start to build and then abandon their nest. This happened again this year, they built stayed a little while and then disappeared again as you can see from my first blog entries it was quite a high then low.

So again I was thinking 'what can I do differently.' So again I found myself in the bird supply aisle at Lowe's and once again I bought a new little different bluebird house. I came home that day and took down the one they NEVER use and replaced it with the new one. I took the old birdhouse and throw it in my garbage can. On trash day I had a change of heart about throwing the house out and figured I could put it somewhere later, so I simply sit it on the deck railing.

About a week later, there was grass sticking out the back of the old thing. I figured the chickadees had moved in. But a few days later the nest wasn't finished so I cleaned it out and left it there. Next day there was grass again but this time a full nest. I laughed and thought okay I'll let whatever it is use it. Within no time I saw them, the bluebird couple on the cable wires above and thought strange and then BAM she flew into the 'garbage' house. I laughed to myself and thought 'all these years and they build there' too funny.

So today is the record day. Bluebird babies in the 'garbage' house secured to the deck with a bungee cord - proving sometimes things just happen!

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