Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nothing like a good field guide or two

So as you can imagine any good birdwatcher has their "go to" bird book. I actually now have two. The Sibley's Field Guide to Birds, which I like all the Sibley's Field Guide books for all things nature and the other bird book is the Kaufman Focus Guides Birds of North America. I always had the old trusty blue covered field guide that I think everyone in our family had but one day in Barnes & Noble I decided to look at their bird section and was shocked by how far bird guides had come.

The Sibley's series of books are great. They are all done with drawings but very detailed drawings and lots of other good written details about our little feathered friends. This is my "go to" bird field guide and in most cases all I need. However, I decide to get the Kaufman book strictly because it is full of real photos and sometimes that's exactly what you need to make the final call on those difficult to identify little guys.

If interested you can check them both out on amazon.com and there are photos of the inside of both books.

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